Beyonce At Billboard Music Awards Reaffirms My Girl Crush

Tuesday 24 May 2011
 I have to admit, I haven't always been the biggest Beyonce fan. I guess I've always liked her, and "Say My Name" was definitely my jam back in the day, but it wasn't until her "Sasha Fierce" album that I began to really appreciate how – well – fierce she really is.

If I could trade lives (er, bodies) with anyone for a day, it would be Beyonce. So to say that I have a full-blown girl crush on the girl would be a serious understatement. As far as I'm concerned, she can do no wrong – and last night's performance at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards proved it. In a special tribute from the likes of Mobama, Lady Gaga and Bono (just to name a few), Beyonce was honored with the Billboard Millennium Award.

Gaga put it best, saying, "You're so much more than a role model or an icon. You represent a dream." And if "Run This World (Girls)" is any indication of what's to come in her upcoming album, "4," then Beyonce is about to unleash a whole lot of sexy on the world. Watch the performance below and see her work it out for yourself.


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