Kosovo Albanian, Serb politicians share views on partition

Thursday 26 May 2011

PRISTINA, Kosovo -- During a debate at the Media Centre in Cagllavice/Caglavica on Wednesday (May 25th), Serb representatives highlighted the need to reach an agreement between Albanians and Serbs, in a bid to avoid partitioning Kosovo. Deputy Parliament Speaker Petar Miletic described partition, a possibility raised last week by some Serb politicians, as "a bad solution for Kosovo Serbs, and I think for Serbs living in north of the River Ibar (Mitrovica) and the rest of Kosovo. As Serbs we have everything in the south, speaking spiritually and economically," Miletic said. Kosovo Serb lawmaker Rada Trajkovic added that talk of partition is damaging Serbia's relations with the international community. Sadri Ferati, a lawmaker from the Democratic League of Kosovo and former minister for local administration, said that partition is a primitive and dangerous idea. (RTK, VoA, Kohavision, Telegrafi - 25/05/11)


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