Elizabeth Smart has what Casey Anthony needs

Thursday 26 May 2011

http://wp.patheos.com/community/karenspearszacharias/files/2011/05/Caylee.jpg The Florida-tyke wasn’t reported  by her mother until a month later. A month that Casey  spent partying. That’s not alleged — there  is plenty of photographic evidence that clearly shows Casey having a good time. Whenever her friends inquired after her daughter’s whereabouts, Casey reportedly gave them various answers  was with a nanny. Caylee was at a theme park. Caylee was at the beach.
Never once did she mention to anyone that her daughter had drowned. Nor did she fit the image one would typically have of a bereaved parent.
Three days into the highly-publicized trial in the Orlando courtroom, Casey’s friends testified that she had been in good spirits throughout the month of June, 2008. She was the classic good-time party girl.
The case has drawn nationwide interest. CNN’s Nancy Grace and Geraldo Rivera were both in attendance for the opening day of trial. Dozens of people with absolutely no connection to the case stood in line eager to claim a  seat in what Nancy Grace refers to as  ”Tot-Mom trial.


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