Communities throughout northwest Minnesota will observe Memorial Day Monday, May 30.
Argyle High School will be the site of a Memorial Day service Monday, May 30. The program begins at the Argyle High School Auditorium at 10:15 a.m.
Erskine American Legion Post 596 will host a Memorial Day program at the Erskine Community Center. American Legion, veterans of all wars, National Guard and Scouts will form a parade at the Community Center at 9:30 a.m. and march through the city Main Street and back to the Community Center. The Memorial Day address will be given by Captain Daphne Brewton of the Grand Forks Air Force Base.
G.A. Leonard Norberg American Legion Post 63 of Hallock will host a Memorial Day service Monday, May 30 at the Kittson Central High School Auditorium, beginning at 11 a.m. The Memorial Day address will be given by Rick Failing.
Halma-Lake Bronson American Legion Olaf Locken Post 315 will host a Memorial Day service Monday, May 30 at the Halma Community Center, beginning at 11 a.m. The Memorial Day Address will be given by James Bradshaw.
Kittson County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary 3828 will host a Memorial Day graveside service at 2 p.m. Monday, May 30 at the Kennedy Cemetery. In case of inclement weather, the observance will be held in the VFW Banquet Room at the VFW Club, Kennedy.
American Legion Post 214 will host a Memorial Day Program Monday, May 30 at Riverview Memorial Gardens. The Memorial Day address will be given by Dave Hopp. Following the ceremony, American Legion Auxiliary will serve lunch at the Sion Lutheran Parish Hall. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Lancaster High School Auditorium.
American Legion Post 421 and the Son’s of the American Legion Squadron will be sponsoring their annual Memorial Day Service at the Mentor Community Hall in Mentor on Monday, May 30 at 11 a.m. The Memorial Day address will be given by Post Commander Bruce Roed. Post Adjutant Steve Sveningson will be presenting the CD “A Mother’s Tear’s,” which he wrote and dedicated to his Mother, Derva Sveningson. Copies of the CD will be available for $5 with proceeds going towards the American Legion.
Following the program at the Hall, all are invited to attend the military service at the Stanley L. Larson Veteran’s Memorial Park, with the roll call of deceased veterans and gun salute. Lunch will be served back at the hall for all in attendance. All are welcome. God Bless our Veteran’s. God Bless the USA.
American Legion Post 427 of Newfolden will present a Memorial Day program Monday, May 30 at 10:30 a.m. at the community center in Newfolden. Major Paul Rondorf, U.S. Army retired, will be the speaker for the program. Rondorf, a Thief River Falls native, served in the United States, Korea and Operation Desert Storm, and ended his military career at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Following the program, there will be a graveside service at Oak Grove Cemetery. Lunch will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary following the graveside service.
American Legion Post 159 will host a Memorial Day program at 9 a.m. Monday, May 30, beginning at the Oklee Area Veterans Memorial Park. The program will continue at Red Lake County Central High School, after a short service at the park. All are invited and a small lunch will be served after program.
American Legion Post 623 and Auxiliary will host a Memorial Day service Monday, May 30 at the Plummer City Park at 10:30 a.m. Guest speaker for the service will be Airman First Class Karmon Johnson of the Grand Forks Air Force Base. In case of rain, the service will be moved to the Plummer School.
Kimball Auditorium at Stephen High School will be the site of a Memorial Day Service Monday, May 30. The program begins at 10:30 a.m.
Thief River Falls
Greenwood Cemetery will be the site of Thief River Falls’ Memorial Day program at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, May 30. The program will be sponsored by American Legion Ecklund-Holmstrom Post 117 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2793, both of Thief River Falls.
The Memorial Day address will be given by Lt. Col. Sean Patterson of the Grand Forks Air Force Base. In case of rain, services will be held at the Ralph Engelstad Arena in Thief River Falls. Lunch will be served at the Legion Club.
Warren American Legion Post 27 will host a Memorial Day service at Greenwood Cemetery, Warren, at 11 a.m. on Monday, May 30. Also participating in the service are American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo High School Auditorium. Post 27 will also conduct services in Viking at 8:45 a.m. American Legion Auxiliary will serve lunch in the clubroom following the service. A free-will donation will be accepted.
A.O. Mattson American Legion Post No. 25 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4930 will host a Memorial Day program Monday, May 30 at the Warroad Veterans Memorial and Warroad Lower Elementary School gym.
Veterans will depart from the Legion by bus to the Veterans Memorial for a short ceremony at 9:45 a.m. They will then depart by bus to the elementary school and re-assemble in the gym for a 10 a.m. program. The Memorial Day address will be given by Tom Kaiser, president of Cardinal IG.
Fengelstad-Solie Post 200 of the American Legion, Winger, will hold its annual Memorial Day service Monday, May 30, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Winger Community Center and Memorial Park.
Pastor Gordon Syverson of Fosston will be the guest speaker. Also in attendance will be Hank Fellows, “America’s Songwriter,” a Patriotic inspirational speaker and songwriter from New York City. He will lead a special program at the Winger Community Center at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day. Refreshments will be served at both programs.
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